Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Science Fair

I am dedicating this post to a wonderful and courageous mom, WhyMommy.

So, to celebrate Team WhyMommy's Virtual Science Fair, I present:

Alyssa's Science Fair Project!! (but I can't get the pictures off my camera... sorry)

For the Billings Science Fair, Alyssa decided to work with a solar panel and see how different light sources determined how much energy the solar panel could produce. She set up a box with the panel inside and attached it to a volt meter. She then tested different lights and measured the energy produced.

It was fun for me to watch Alyssa and Papa Echo work together and go through the scientific method process. Alyssa came up with the idea, did the experiments and created her presentation board. During the judging process, she received high marks for her presentation because she was able to explain her project clearly and answer questions. (Parents are not allowed in during the judging process.)

She wasn't required to participate in the science fair this year because she's in fourth grade. She just did it because she wanted to.

I'm so proud of you Alyssa!! Way to go above and beyond!


Stimey said...

Hooray, Alyssa!!! That sounds like a pretty complicated experiment. (What? No gyroscopes?)

Thanks so much for taking part in the science fair!

Michelle said...

Okay, WOW! I just came by your blog to check your counter, and you are over a hundred miles already!!!! I'm still at 30. How far are you going each day? I slacked off for an entire week, but I'm going again now. You have inspired me. :)