And after hearing about escalating family drama (people can be so cruel sometimes) and even more neglect on the part of the facility.... I said to my dear sweet husband,
"I need to go home."
And as we bought the plane tickets he pointed out that even though I was going for two weeks, she may not pass away while I was there. It had been over two months from the initial time we thought was 'it'. I told him that at least for those two weeks, I would help in any way I could and hopefully give my cousin, mom and aunts a break.
We booked the tickets on Wed and I left Friday morning. I kept it a secret from everyone except my siblings. When I arrived in LA on Friday morning (dang International dateline) my sister called and said that my Grandma had passed away. So I spent 6 hours at LAX thinking of my Grandma and knowing that my mom was very, very sad. I couldn't wait to give her a hug.
With Julie's help, I surprised my parents and gave lots of hugs and did what I could to help prepare for a funeral. It was very important to my aunt to dress my Grandma in special religious clothing and do her make-up and hair. There were not too many others that wanted to help. My cousin Lisa and I went with my aunt and we took care of my Grandma one last time. It was a very special experience and I'm so glad I went. The funeral was lovely with many wonderful stories of her life.
And when that was all over on Monday, I realized that I still had a little less than two weeks before flying home. I spent that time with my parents, siblings and friends. I also filled that time eating things that I had been missing. I also saw my Missy dog.
Any trip to Salt Lake always consists of at least one visit with my high school friends to Chili's. We like it because it has good food, good service and an unlimited supply of Diet Coke. I asked the waiter to NOT remove any glasses so I could get a picture for my Aussie friends. FREE REFILLS and the waiter just keeps bringing them.... Ah, God bless America.
I get asked all the time what I miss most from America. I always answer with 'Fountain Drinks'. Turns out that nobody understands what this means here. (I've heard someone refer to them as 'post-mix' drinks.) Australia? I would consider living here forever if you offered the following at your petrol (gas) stations.
I'm starting to see why I have a weight problem...
Before I knew I was going to the states, we found a lolly shop in the shopping centre (hee, hee, I said lolly instead of candy and shopping centre instead of mall.... I even spelled centre the Aussie way....) and found some lollies that we had been craving.
Grandma wanted to get the kids something they would enjoy and something that was difficult or impossible to find in Australia.
As much as I loved seeing my friends and family again, I sure did miss my kidlets and husband. Two weeks was a VERY LONG time to be gone from them. I also missed the beach and the lifestyle here. I was so HAPPY to be getting on the plane to come back home to Australia.