Thursday, October 21, 2010

Weekend Plans

This weekend I'm joining Papa Echo at his annual company retreat. (For the North American team.) They pick a different place every year. And this year? We are going to .... drum roll please....



Okay then.

I guess that's cool if you DON'T ALREADY LIVE HERE.

But seriously, it's north of Missoula and will be gorgeous and wonderful and it's an expense paid weekend with my spouse. I'm pretty excited.

I'm also nervous. While I want to be a "social person" that visits and talks with everyone, I'm actually pretty shy and have a lot of anxiety about situations like this. (There will be about 30+ new people to meet.) I also don't have a clue as to what I'm going to wear. I've been shopping lots and lots and I'm still questioning my choices. I can't imagine anyone will care what I'm wearing, so it's a lot of anxiety for nothing. But, still.

I'm also frantically trying to clean my house. My wonderful mother in law is coming to watch the kids so I can go. Again, while I'm sure she won't care what the house looks like, I'm cleaning it as though she will walk through with white gloves. Really? Did I really need to spend the time cleaning out my closet? I'm insane. What I need to do is go clean the shower... because... she actually will see that. And I probably should vacuum again because I have two dogs that can't hold on to any of their fur.

Deep breath. I have a lot to still do. Maybe I should go shopping again.


Stimey said...

I love this. I totally do this too: prepare in all the weird ways. Have a great time!! Don't worry too much about all the people you have to meet because you are fabulous and they will love you!

Michelle said...

At least north of Missoula looks different than Billings. I hope it doesn't rain... or snow, so you can take long walks alone if you want to. :)